UniRes normally installs to <Drive>:\UniRes folder where <Drive> is usually the Windows computers C: drive.
Here is a list of files that should be in the UniRes C: folder in version 11.3.0 UniRes.
File in bold are essential.
File Name |
Description |
Comments and tips |
Important Run Time Files |
unires.exe |
Startup program for UniRes |
Displays startup coloured dot banner, checks if the main program needs updating (the presence of a file main.upd who's version is greater than the main.exe version. If main.upd exists, the main.exe will be updated to the version of the main.upd if the update version is newer. |
Main.exe |
Main UniRes compiled program. |
Can be started directly without the unires.exe pre-start program. |
Main.upd |
can be uploaded to you by support services. |
see unires.exe Comments and Tips above. If an update is present, UniRes will advise you. |
mscomctl.ocx |
activex control used in parts of unires (progress bars etc) |
Must be registered in the system registry (usuall done by the UniRes setup.exe installer. Usually installed in the system/system32 Windows folder, but can registered in the registry while in the unires folder using the installation utilities menu. |
libhpdf.dll |
Required by UniRes to produce PDF attachments to emails etc. |
Should be in UniRes default install folder. (Foxy requirement) |
duzactx.dll and dzactx.dll |
Zip/Unzip program extensions for backup/restore function. |
Should be in UniRes folder (should be registered in Windows registry.) |
vfp9r.dll |
UniRes VFP9 runtime requirement |
Should be in UniRes folder |
vfp9renu.dll |
UniRes VFP9 runtime requirement |
Should be in UniRes folder |
uniressupport.exe |
Transient Client Remote Support software (Teamviewer) allows UniRes Remote Support Centre to logon to your PC to assist with UniRes operation. |
Requires Internet Access and is started from the UniRes Command Centre window "Internet Support Call button". Phone support first +61 409 504 679 (0409 504 679 in Aus.) |
System and Temporaty Data files in UniRes folder |
Company.dbf |
Essential data file contains name and details of each database (company file system) Names of "Your Company" and "Sample Company" as standard. Table used to launch your company when UniRes starts and you select your company. |
If deleted, or corrupt. either contact support for a replacement or copy same file name from a complete backup of the unires folder to the current unires folder. This file is not backed up with your normal data set when you make a backup using the builtin backup system. IF YOU CAN NOT START YOUR UNIRES COMPANY, TRY LAINCHING THE MAIN.EXE WITH THE /? OPTION AND SELECT THE DATA1.DBC FILE FROM YOUR UNIRES\DATA FOLDER. |
daysformonthpct.dbf |
Temporary file. |
Generated when graphs are produced. unessential. |
foxuser.dbf |
This file is used to remember some of your screen dimension settings and choices. Used internally, this file is automatically generated. |
Can be deleted as it's recreated automatically. Not crucial. |
foxyoutputconfig.dbf |
Generated by the unires report system. Used internally when reports are created. |
marketstatstemp.dbf |
Generated by reports program. Temporary file. |
occdayspct.dbf |
Generated by reports program. Temporary file. |
reportoptions.dbf |
Important file. Used to store details of reports and system reports/lists installed. |
If this file is missing or damaged, your reports manager program will not work. Contact support for a replacement or copy reportoptions.* files from a unires backup folder that contains a complete copy of unires (possibly on another workstation) |
postcodes.dbf |
Lookup table file for postcode numbers. |
Part of initial install. |
seasondates.dbf |
Reference file for the booking ledger program (grid) used to highlight dates at the top of the window. |
Can be edited and is a lookup table. Must be kept up to date by the user. |
tempcbook.dbf, trantemp.dbf,uncbill.dbf |
Temporary file used and created/updates by unires. |
Can be deleted if system reports a corruption mentioning these files as thery are recreated if missing. |
uniwordfields.dbf |
Used by the email system and HTML editor as it contains a reference to tags used in mail merge wordprocessing. |
Essential file. Call support or copy file from a workstation is damaged or missing. |
license.rtf, SupportTerms.rtf |
UniRes License and UniRes Support Terms. Copy of agreements. |
The usual legal stuff. |
A folder for quick or temporary backups made using UniRes. Backups should be made on removable media like USB memory or external backup drives/media. |
This is where your company data file reside by default. |
Check with support to see where your data may be stored if you are using a multiuser system. |
This folder has sundry files like the "WhatsNew" help system which introduces UniRes changes to current users who have just updated. |
Non essential files but should be left accessible to users. |
Files generated by text editors and rtf files addressed to clients and generated by unires mail merged data with form letters. |
Check if this folder gets to full. Archive if required. |
Sundry graphics files and pictures for use in the Maps system. |
Installed by the installer program |
Folder where your Park or business background graphic is located for use by the UniRes Map system. |
Reports generated by UniRes and copies of electronic receipts and statements can be found here. |
This folder may need to be archived from time to time if it is getting excessively large. |
All the Report form file templates supplied with UniRes are located here. Custom reports may also be amongst these reports. |
It's a good idea to make a backup copy of the folder ca;lled \UniRes to an external memory drive in case of emergency. |
The Sample Company used for trying out UniRes is located here. |
This folder should be used only for .HTM/.HTML or .RTF files which are designed as Data Merge document templates used in emailing reports and letters to customers. |
These files are like Mail Merge Templates and contain Tags which mark where in the text data from files is inserted. eg. <<BK_SURNAME>> etc. |
SMS Related Files |
SMS.dbc, SMS.dct,smstray.ico,smsOff.ico,sms.ico,smsauto.exe,smsquick.dbf,smsquick,cdx,sentlog.dbf,sentid.idx,sentlog.cdx,pendid.idx,pendlog.dbf, pendlog.cdx |
Not Required if sms facility not used or installed in your version of UniRes. |
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