Book and Bill Screen Changes

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We have added a new column to the Charges area in the Book & Bill screen.

You can now specify a Bill From date and a Bill To date. This makes it possible to uniquely specify the charge for a selected stay or hire by date range.

UniRes was originally designed as a sequential charge system. Ie. a person arrives, pays for a number of days and then extend the booking from the last paid-to date. This can still be done, but you can now easily handle non-contiguous stays and charge accordingly.

Ie. The person may want the site/room for a month, but will only be staying on weekends (contractors, annuals, on-site vans etc.).

There is no need to rebook them in each time they arrive. Of course, in the last scenario, the site is reserved for their use only and can not be rebooked.  There is also now a facility to easily "clone" the booking in case the site can be re-let for the gap periods. See: Copy and Paste forward booking Capability.

Early and Late Check-In

If the client is coming in early, or you are posting advanced charges, pay attention to the

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