Billing should generally be done in the Group Leader Site.
Site Fees work the same way as for a single booking. You enter the number of days the site is being charged for and process the site fees line as per normal. The site fees will be calculated by the Charging Method chosen (See Extended Booking Details Charge Rates)
The Paid-To Date is advanced forward by the number of days "sold" for each booking individually. If a group member is paying for their own site, their site fees may have extended their paid-to date past the Paid to date of other group members. UniRes will always advance the paid-to date of all group member bookings by the number of days the Group Leader is paying for.
If a site wants to be totally independent from the Group, you should detach the site from the group and then check that the Control Account link is still set to the required control account.
Group Members can only accrue charges to the Group leader if the Permission is set in the Extended Booking details of the booking (See All Charges to GP Leader permission).
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