The Rangers Report is a complex analysis of both your bookings and transactions files.
Click on the Control Dates button - select a month and year, then click on Rangers Report button.
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Initially the scan progress bar will show you the current scan in progress.
The Exclude Takings tick box is ticked when you enter this screen to speed up the display of statistics.
There are four scan passes in total.
Scan 1 analyses the current bookings file
Scan 2 analyses the current transactions file
Scan 3 analyses the History Bookings file
Scan 4 analyses the History Transactions file.
If the Exclude Transactions box is ticked, scans 1 and 3 are completed. As you will see, it takes longer to scan transactions, especially the history transactions.
Re-Scan Button
After changing the Control Dates or the Exclude Takings box, you must click on the Re-Scan button.
The Scan Results
The results of the scan are shown in the statistics window. You can scroll the window using the scroll bar at the right of the window. Use your mouse - click on the scroll bar thumbnail and hold down the left mouse button and drag the thumbnail down. You can also click under and above the thumbnail to move down a page.
Day: This is the day date of the month being analysed.
How the Statistics are obtained
When a booking is made, the Site Type table is referenced. This table has a default Classification Code associated with the site type.
(See Site Type - First Time Setup)
The booking also has a CL: field. which records the default classification code from the site type. You can override the classification of the booking in the charges screen, giving the booking an independent classification of its own.
The statistics program uses the classification field in this way to get the statistics. Even if the booking is Moved to a different site type, the original classification stays with the booking.
The Takings Column
You will note that the takings column amounts are negative. This is normal as payments are recorded as a negative amount meaning "credit payment" to the account. The takings are the total of the cash-cheques etc for the day. Takings are inclusive of GST.
For the statistics to be 100% accurate, you must have setup your park classification codes correctly from the beginning.
If say, a permanent powered van is booked on to a tent site when the booking is made, it is up to you to change the classification of the booking using the charges screen CL: field and saving the change.
Print Rangers Report
You can print the Rangers Report using the print button (or just Preview it).
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