Recurring Sales - Rent Roll updatel

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Recurring Sales - Rent Roll update

New functionality addition to recurring sales have been added.

New fields for default values when setting up of site fees (rental charges using the "S" key code.

Frequency: Sets preset values for Qty when posting Extra Sales fee .....

example. ... in charges grid...

When used?

If you are setting up a Rent Roll (Recurring sale), you will set up a charge line and use the Save Recurring button to add the charge line to a Recurring Item file. UniRes is smart and will recalculate the charge and the Description before each rent roll.


You can also prebill a booking. Ie. setup a template for the charge (or quoted values) and say set the before due date to the day before arrival and Process the templates in the morning before arrival that day.

Recurring Sales Templates will not process past the Booked To (Departure Date).

New Save Recuring window

To make it easier to set the Recurring Sale schedule, the window that sets up the "Control Record" for the recutting items for the client, has changes a bit.


(Spectal Note) :

oThe Paid to Date and the Billed to date were the same date, changing when we enteretd the Site Fee line,

oThe recurring entry only uses the "Billed to Date", to determine the Next Run Date (shown as the Starting Date when you first setup the Recurring entry.

oAfter the first run, the clients record shows the advanced Billed to date. The Site Fee entry automatically creates the correct dates and values based on the rates file, etc. for the billing.

oIf extra persons charges or Extras sales and fees are required for the period, they can be run-up on the grid, before the Site fees, posted as one multiline recurring bill.

oNote however that if the period between posting differs from the site or other fees, they must has their own Controling Recurring Sale.

In the example above, you can see that the booking has a Paid To date 16th January. The template line entered as a reference forms the basis of the recurring Item. The recurring Control entry IS the template and is used to setup the recurring sale.

The Basic Recurring Sales window was setup as Weekly because we posted 7 days . The frequency being the interval between billing runs for the client . eg. the Starting Date (or Next Run Date) B is, calculated for you, as the current Paid to Date plus the Interval D minus the Before Next Due by ... C days. This is so that you can post early by the required date to ensure delivery of the Invoice etc.if existing invoices are on file. The program takes the Billed-to date into consideration.

To bill in advance of today..

Most tenants on a weekly tenancy have to stay 1 week in advance as per their tenancy agreement, so upon starting their tenancy, they have to pay initially for the first week, plus another payment for their advance payment, some may have to pay a Rental Bond to you or a regulating govt. Authority. (RBA).

(Tenancy Bonds can be recorded in UniRes as a Security Deposit.), so the Account Balance does not have to be a credit balance - reducing and absorbing the credit when the client pays.

Setting Up a Recurring Sale

See Recurring Sales


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