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Note: The available options may not be installed or Active on your UniRes version.
The System Date in RED shows demo data has been set to reflect the altered UniRes date (not the Windows PC date).
Options available from this window called The Command Centre.
The System Settings affect the whole look and feel of UniRes as well as the daily operation. UniRes can be extensively customized to work the way you work. Facilities can be turned on and off as required to minimize the number of "unneeded" buttons and programs. |
SMS Send Text Message |
Displays a Log Listing of Sent email in general |
Create and Send an Email |
Show or Hise the Access Control floating Tool Bar. Control the Security Gates and Interface with Evolution Gate Control System. |
Book and Bill New Booking . You enter date and times as well as the site type and number. Enter the Booking Name and address. Follow on to charging site feess, tah deposit etc. |
Quick and Easy. Book and Bill in under 30 seconds! You can't get this with Cloud Based systems! All data is processed on your PC or Local Area Network. |
The Map system is a picture graphic file displayed as a background image, overlaid with site marker smart icons showing occupancy status. The picture shown for an icon or type of site can be chosen when a site type is created. See File Maintenance - Site Types. |
Group bookings are a cynch! Pick Sites automatically or allocate from an availibility list. Press a button and book any amount of available sites in a flash. |
The Booking Ledger or "Booking Grid", is ofteh used as the main ledger and launch pad for Booking and Billing functions. It shows a colour coded horizontal calendar depicting current bookings, their occupancy status and availability at a glance. The ledger can also display short term stay periods for Annual usage aas wel as track occupany days during their contracted yearly occupancy! Easily handle Check-ins and checkout etc. |
Specific sites (Cabins usually) can be flagged for Cabin Servicing and Reports can be generated to control the servicing staffs cabin allocation. Cabins ar flagged as requiring servicing when the occupant checks out, or at a predefined service scheduls (Basic Clean and Deep clean servicing schedules). |
This is a useful addition to the Invoicing system. This is a central customer register with many display options to track receipts and charges,Invoices and statements. |
We have introduced an Order Calendar window which looks similar to the Booking Ledger, but differs in that the actual bookings occupy one line each instead of a site like the booking Ledger. The display is really handy and will allow access to the booking as a Multi-Book site booking. (Also great for Event Management, Waiting Lists etc). Bookings are shown in alphabetical order. |
If you have a need to book and track items like boat hite, tennis court hire etc. within the day, you can book inside the 24 hr period just like the booking ledger. The grid is shown in the vertical by item (stock) being hired and horizontal in the linear calandar format. |
Extensine searching options are provided for both Curren and historical bookings. When making a New Booking, a search can be performed by Pressing F9 function key or by entering a phone number in the surname field. Past Bookings (which are like orders) contain client data and account number (Invoicing Option/Version). Found data like adddress phone vehicle etc are auto entered. |
A quick way to print an evacuation list and show current and/past bookings. The report can be used to do a headcount in case of an emergency. Police and Authorities may ask for a list of "who was in" between a given period as an aid to their investigations. This is where you can get it quickly! |
Several hiquality graphing screens provide occupanct statistics in many formats. Day, Month or Year graphical stats and also show period comparison values eg, This yearr v/s last year. |
On-Sell power using metered sites or power heads? Just print a walk list, do the meter readings and enter them in a list to process the charges to their account. You can take payments easily to individual invoices for site or utility usage charges. Also handles Pension Rebate Tracking, Usage charges on a daily basis and Goverment Rebates. Electricity Usage Statements are in a special format for exacting Industry requirements. |
If yo sell water by the Kiloliter and read water meters (usually mains water), this is done in a similar way to Electricity usage. |
Quick BookQuite a powerful feature in UniRes12 is the ability to handle multiple bookings on a single PC screen or with a Dual Monitor PC display. Note: When this option is chosen, the booking ledger can be displayed on one monitor and left open, while the Booking and Billing (and other windows) open on the standard monitor, making it easier and quicker to make bookings faster in a busy front office. |
There is a switch in the System Setting which can turn this feature on or off as required. It's called "Persistant Booking Ledger" tick box.
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