New from Ver 12.10.176
Normally UniRes was previously supplied with a Sample Company containing data for a fictional company, and a New Company, with empty data for you to use and setup as Your Company.
Now you can add companies and Clone existing companies for Training Purposes or additional reservation entities. See Maintain Company File Locations
Limited License for Training Companies
New companies and training companies have a temporary license for two weeks from date of creation. If you with to use the new companies on a yearly basis, the new company will have to licensed by purchasing
an addional license (SLA) and quoting the New Company Name, address etc and by quoting the ClientID number to UniRes sales and support. For details and pricing, see the UniRes web site - Support Page.
* If you are not familiar with computers and terminology, call support or as an IT person for assistance.
See the Company Selection and Login Topic
Maintain Company File Locations
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