UniRes Setup Wizard

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UniRes Setup Wizard

The UniRes Setup Wizard will assist you with creating the basic structure for your Park, Hotel or Other type of hire business.

It is a Question and Answer type setup. UniRes will display a series of screens. You answer the questions as best as possible.

Pick a quiet time to run the setup, as the setup must be completed in one session in front of the computer.

After the setup is completed, Site Types, Numbers and Site Rates will be in place as the necessary data files will be filled, to form the basis of your company. After the setup, you can use the UniRes File Maintenance Menu to adjust your setup.

Setup Page 1

Business Type

The left of the setup screen shows the Completed Stages, the last screen is the Complete Basic Setup screen where you will create your structure from the supplied answers to questions.

Select the type of business you run and click on the Next button.

Company Details

We suggest you use CAPITAL LETTERS for the name and address details. They look better on reports and receipts and make the company details stand out.

This information can be changed at any time in UniRes by selecting from the Menu Bar - File Maintenance - System Settings.

Booking Options

In the Booking Options screen...

Default Booking From and To Time.

From Time: Enter the time that be the standard starting time the booking will commence and he client can "move in" or occupy the site on the first day of hire.

To Time: This is the time the client must leave the site and the hire expires. This is on the day of departure.

Date Format: Leave at British or change if you are not in Australia.

The first tick option..

Tick if you want to show and allow changes to the date the site was booked: In the Booking screen, there is an option field that can be displayed/changed, which shows the date the site was booked. Just leave it ticked for now.

Tick to Exclude Infants field from Booking Screen: If you want to record the number of Infants in the booking party at booking time, tick this box. If you don't tick the box, the entry field will be removed from the booking screen.

Tick to Exclude Pets field from Booking Screen: If you want to record the fact that Pets accompany the booking party at booking time, tick this box. If you don't tick the box, the entry field will be removed from the booking screen. If you disallow pets, just tick the box.


The Taxes screen sets up the basic Tax system in UniRes. The settings can always be changed later in UniRes using ..

File Maintenance - GST Tax Rates.

If you do not have permanent residents and just work with the normal GST rate of 10%, just click on the Next button.

If you answer "Yes" to "Do you have permanent residents", the following options are displayed to enter the concessional tax rate..

If you answer Yes ....

Now you can supply the "concessional tax rate". This is normally used in Caravan Parks who have permanent residents or "permanents".

The tax rules by the tax office change from time to time so we won't go into definitions here. Usually the tax is set at 5.5% (at time of this writing) for any period after an initial 27 nights stay. Or you may have opted to pay a preset tax percentage on your gross taking from site fees for permanents, in which case you would set the rate to 0%. UniRes keeps track of the number of nights a booking has been in and automatically switches over to the lower tax rate for the booking.

Exporting Sales figures to General Ledger

If you have the UniRes Export to MYOB / Quickbooks option installed, you can answer Yes to the question ...

and fill in your General Ledger number details and click on the Next button.

Seasonal Dates

Seasonal Dates: Basic charges rates and Seasonal Dates (Peak - Mid Season etc) will be setup in the following screens. UniRes wizard needs to know if you use Seasonal Dates or variation to the basic rate for site charges for different types of sites groups.

If you just have one rate of hire for each type of hire (hire type group) you can leave the first question at NO.

If you answer yes, a multi line entry box opens (see above), where you can enter a description for a seasonal rate and the dates it applies to.

Remember that the To date must be the date that the hire ends on (the departure date) to make sure the last night of the stay is calculated.

You can right-click on a date field and pick a dste using the pop-up calendar.

If there are insufficient lines, click on the Add button to add a blank line.

To delete a line, click on it, then click on the Delete button.

Click on the Next button to continue after entering the dates.

Utility Metered Sales

Skip this screen by clicking on the Next button if you do not charge for Power,Water,Gas or Phone. If you charge for any one, select YES.

The Utility Metered Sales with full options are shown above. Just answer the questions relevant to your extablishment.

If you charge for Power, you will answer YES and later, after the setup is completed, you should go to the File Maintenance - Power Table maintenance program to set your power tables and tariffs. This is covered in the File Maintenance help.

The Water Gas and Phone table is simple, a per unit charge in cents can be set here.

Click on the Next button..

Extra Person Charges

If you do not charge for extra persons, just click on the Next button.

The Extra Person Charges screen sets the Global values you charge for extra persons. That is, if no other specific extra pereson charge is set for a site or a seasonal rate, the values you specify here will be used.

Allow Cons. for Extra Persons: If this is ticked, then the concessional tax rule (reduced tax) will be collected for extra person charges.


If you do not record key deposits, just click on the Next button.

Key deposits are auto-reversed out of the UniRes cash receipts report, so they do not form part of you banking.

Enter your key deposit amount.

Click on Next.

Types and Off-Peak Rates

This is a very important screen. The choices and data you enter here will determine the overall structure of your establishment.

Setp 1: The tick boxes will vary, depending on the type of bussiness you chose in the first setup screen, but the method is the same.

When you click in a box to select it eg. Powered Van, a line is created in the Step 2: window.

The Step 2 grid

The Type code as shown in the Type column in the Step 2 grid is a preset code for a group of sites with the same basic charges rates.

All values entered are INC Tax.

For expediency, you should accept the Type Codes and descriptions as these can be chaned if required after the setup wizard is completed using a special program in UniRes called the renumbering utility .

The Qty column

Enter the number of sites to have for each type. The Total Sites to Add counter at the bottom of the column shows how many sites you will be creating in UniRes.

Psns column

Enter the number of persons that the site rate applies to before extra persons will be chargeable.

Daily column

Enter the daily normal charge for the site (the off peak rate)

Weekly column

Enter the Weekly Rates. This is usually a discounted rate. (the off peak rate)

CDaily column

If you use concessional tax, the daily rate will normally be less due to reduces tax. The setup program will suggest the rate for you based on the tax method you chose earlier. You can overtype the value with your own value if required.

CW'kly column

If you use concessional tax, the weekly rate will normally be less due to reduces tax. The setup program will suggest the rate for you based on the tax method you chose earlier. You can overtype the value with your own value if required.


Enter how much you charge for extra adults staying on site or in the room or cabin etc.


Enter how much you charge for extra children staying on site or in the room or cabin etc.

Note that infants are not included in the calculations but can be set up later as an extra charge item.

Complete the table and check carefully. Especially the Qty column as many site numbering records will be created. One for each site type and Number.

Click on the Next button.

Seasonal Rates Setup

With reference to the above sample screen shot...

The Seasonal Descriptions and Dates were previously entered in the wizard.

Step 1:

You select the season from the drop-down list.

Step 2:

Pick ONE site type group by ticking the box.

Step 3:

Enter the charge rates for the season in the white boxes.

Step 4:

Click on the Add/Update box.

What happens...

The grid area will get the record you entered. This area can be manually changed by directly typing in values.

The grid area will build up with the season rates for the types you add by season.

Repeat the process for each site type, one at a time, unless two or more sites have the same rates, in which case you can select more than one site type at a time.

When you have completed the rates for the selected season for each site type, change the season in Step 1 and repeat again Step 2 etc.

To Remove Lines from the Grid...

Place a tick in the site type to remove from the grid and click on the Remove button. Be carefull though, as all the seasonal rates for the ticked types will be removed and you will have to re-enter them.

When completed and checked... click on the Next button.

Complete Basic Setup

The UniRes setup wizard is now ready to create your company structure.

There is one more consideration, the numbering allocation.

Numbering Allocation

Your park, hotel, motel etc, may be numbered sequentially or by site type group. Your existing numbering system may be quite different to either.

Caravan Parks vary a lot in their numbering systems, but the majority would probably be sequential, starting at 1 to the last one.

Hotels/Motels may be numbered by floor with a type code reflecting the floor number and room type eg. A1 01... A1 12, A2 01... A2 12 etc.

Numbering by group will create a number sequence for each type eg. PV 01... PV 50, T 01...T30 .

Pick a number sequence that will suit for now. You can change the numbering system later in UniRes using the Renumber Sites utility.

Revise you settings now using the Back button, returning to this screen and click on the Complete Basic Setup button.

The setup will complete and you will see the following message...

{bmc 16.bmp}

Click on Ok and the following is displayed...

If you want to change your numbering system, click on the View Sites or Renumber Now button.

The Site Numbering Utility will launch. Press F1 in the utility window for help.

Now that your company structure is setup, customize your company setting further by using the File Maintenance Menu programs in UniRes.

Restart UniRes and have a look at you Booking Ledger.

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